Ignorance is a blade. Knowledge forms its hilt.

Sketchy Fully Lined Books
Quote Banner Doodle Illustration

A thrilling and mysterious science fiction fantasy that will have you on the edge of your seat!

-Kathryn Rowbury


for the River Saga

Quote Banner Doodle Illustration

The world building in this series is incredible! The characters are so full of depth, relatable, and the plot is an emotional rollercoaster!

-A.C. Wolfe

Main Novels








Drop Shadow

To Be Announced

Drop Shadow

To Be Announced

#1 River’s End volume I

Ignorance is a blade

Knowledge forms its hilt

This is how I learn to use that weapon

My name is Rose, and that bit about ignorance and blades is a quote of River, the man who brought peace to my world. The trustees of the universe’s secrets, the River Guardians, raise me in hopes I have his genius as much as his looks. They also wish I didn’t talk so much.

Quieter than me is my guard Fredo. No one says where he came from, and he and I share the start of a mental link we aren’t supposed to have, one that will kill him if I die. No pressure or anything.

When a mission arises to save Grenswa, a watery world known for its art, I jump on it. Fredo comes, too, because I’m not very good at staying out of trouble. Neither is he, but he’s usually better at it. Unfortunately, the inhabitants of Grenswa no longer trust outsiders. As in, they want to kill us. So now, not only do we have to save them, we also have to restore their faith in our kind. Except, the more I learn, especially from a cute prince whose color changes reveal exactly how he feels, the more I lose that faith myself until it all goes horribly wrong.

Line Scribble with Star Element
Line Scribble with Star Element

River’s End volume 2

*Book 1 Part 2, not to be mistaken for Book 2

Ignorance is a blade

Knowledge forms its hilt

And I have so precious little of it

I, Rose of the River Guardians, set out to save the watery world called Grenswa, and everything went wrong. Attackers killed the king and took the prince. They killed more and took me. Left behind in the aftermath, my guard Fredo is injured and blind. He wants to help the survivors. He wants to rescue me. I want us to rescue all those taken, but it’s not that simple.

My people constructed this ship long ago to save a dying race, and those refugees have renamed it River’s End. Their goal is to destroy us and our legacy. They know the truth of Fredo’s unknown origins, and he can’t ever go home. I won’t return without him. I also might be in love with Grenswa’s captured prince.

Out there in the vast expanse of the cosmos, we’ve caught the attention of those who would turn us into weapons, and the only thing keeping monsters from conquering the universe is my stubbornness.

Black Hexagon Grid with Golden Border
Black Hexagon Grid with Golden Border

River Saga Read Aloud Excerpts Video Archive

  • Hello, Hent pt 1 & pt 2 (chapters 8 & 9 excerpt)

Black Hexagon Grid with Golden Border

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Updated May 2024